Parish council paints footprints to honor Benfica

According to a source from this Lisbon parish, “the legal issue does not arise, because we did not commit adultery”

– Lusa

The São Domingos de Benfica Board in Lisbon today painted red the ends of the crosswalks around the Estádio da Luz to congratulate Benfica, located in this parish, for the title of national football champion.

According to a source of the Board, the autarchy wanted with this initiative to honor the club, located in this parish of Lisbon.

“Only the ends of the walkways were painted around the stadium, I do not know how many, leaving the white stripes in the middle, so the legal issue does not arise, because we did not tamper with the crossings,” he said.

In addition to the painting of the tracks, the Junta de Freguesia also inscribed on the treads in red “Parabéns, SLB, Champion 37 – Parish of São Domingos de Benfica”.

The source of the Junta de Freguesia also stressed that the paint dissolves with water and will disappear with the rain or the movements of people and cars.


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