Council of Ministers approves rise in minimum wage to 635 euros effective January 1, 2020.


The Council of Ministers approved, on Thursday, the amount of 635 euros for the minimum wage, effective January 1, 2020. The announcement of the approval had already been made, Wednesday, by the Prime Minister during the biweekly debate.

“The XXII Government has included in its Program the objective of deepening, in the framework of negotiation in the framework of social concertation, the path of real updating of the national minimum wage, in a phased, predictable and sustained manner, evolving each year according to the employment dynamics. and economic growth to reach 750 euros by 2023, ”the document said .

For the Government, “the Minimum Guaranteed Monthly Pay is an important benchmark for the job market, from the perspective of decent work and social cohesion, as well as the competitiveness and sustainability of companies”.

The update of this figure, from 600 euros in 2019 to 635 euros in 2020, will cover around 720,000 workers.

At the end of the Council of Ministers meeting in Lisbon, the Minister of Labor, Security and Social Solidarity announced that “the Government today approved the decree law that provides for the updating of the national minimum wage for 2020 to 635 euros”.

” The value we set today was the result of listening to our partners, a historical assessment of what was also the result of the increase in the minimum wage in recent years, and the impact it has had, ” said Ana Mendes Godinho.

The Council of Ministers also approved a decree-law establishing the organization and functioning of the XXII Constitutional Government, adopting the appropriate structure to fulfill the priorities set out in its program.

“In assigning the management of each of the strategic challenges – climate change, demography, inequalities and digital society, creativity and innovation – to distinguished members of the Government to ensure that all governmental areas collaborate in the design of action programs. ”Clarifies the document.


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