Thousands of young people protest in the streets of Lisbon

Thousands of activists, mostly young people, joined this Friday in another global climate strike in defense of the planet, demanding government measures and actions to protect the planet.


▲ But there are also older activists, like Deolinda Peralta, who has returned to exchange the comfort of her home for the streets of Lisbon to demand action.

Thousands of activists, mostly young people, are protesting in the streets of Lisbon to demand government measures to protect the planet, underlining that it is already known what “the solutions are, but the actions are lacking.”

Protesters in Lisbon join another Global Climate Strike in defense of the planet, which is taking place in cities around the world.

They are almost all young and come from schools, from elementary to tertiary education, but there are also older activists like Deolinda Peralta. At the age of 67, Deolinda returned to exchange the comfort of her home for the streets of Lisbon to demand measures, bringing a giant white cloth on her back with a message: “We have the solutions. Actions are missing. ” The message is not your own. “It was my granddaughter’s school that they invented,” she told Lusa, regretting that her eighth-grade granddaughter did not participate in the protest this Friday.

Schools should be on the front lines, but they are not. There are some students who put themselves in front of the schools. But many are afraid of missing classes, ”he said, considering that the problem that is being discussed on Friday in the streets is much more important than any arithmetic class.

This Friday’s demonstration is the fourth to be held in Portugal and has the least participants in Lisbon. But for the organization this does not seem to be a problem. Beatriz Farelo, a 20-year-old girl doing Erasmus in the Czech Republic, was organizing Friday’s video call protest. He anticipated the return home trip to be present and told Lusa that today’s big mission is to be able to mobilize people for the United Nations Conference on Climate Change (COP25), which starts on Monday in Madrid. However he left the call: “Do not stay at home!”.


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