Practicing a healthy and balanced diet is always important but especially during the coronavirus pandemic that we live in. It is necessary to pay attention to the food you eat to contribute to a strong immune system.
“In any circumstance, it is very important that any one of us has the conscience to keep the immune system in the best possible conditions. That is why we, as health and nutrition professionals, talk a lot about prevention, to maintain a style of healthy life, “explained nutritionist Daniela Duarte to Women’s Health .
Having a strengthened immune system does not mean that it will be invincible to covid-19, however the body will have more defenses to fight inflammation. “When there is inflammation there is a natural response by the body to fight these external agents and, sometimes, also some internal ones. What can happen is to try to have a solution to reduce these external agents or to make it easier to overcome, if the system immune system is able to fight them more efficiently, if we are not going to have more barriers and, of course, this fight is much more difficult “, warned Daniela.
What should you eat to boost your immune system?
There are foods that you can eat daily that have an anti-inflammatory action. Nutritionist Daniela Duartehe begins by recommending an increase in vegetable consumption : “Dark green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, cabbages and broccoli are rich in vitamin E, which ends up being important in combating inflammation”.
” Red fruits , cherries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries and strawberries also help to fight inflammation”, because they have anti-inflammatory properties.
” Ginger contains a substance that is gingerol, which has an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action,” he explained.
Foods with vitamin C such as citrus fruits, peppers and kiwis are an asset, recalls the nutritionist.
Daniela explains that ” Which are rich in phytochemicals, or also the turmeric that can add prepared and has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory. ”
For those on home quarantine, the nutritionist warned:” It is very important also we invest in vitamin D. It an essential vitamin to our daily lives. Supplementation may make sense in some cases, but it should be evaluated with a professional in the field. ” Water intake throughout the day is also an asset for the immune system, recalls Daniela Duarte.