सेफको छापा : १३ हजार युरो नगद सहित २ जना पक्राउ


The Foreign and Border Service (SEF) intercepted at the early morning of yesterday’s authorized passage point in Castro Marim, a Spanish license plate car, signalled by Guardia Civil for transportation of drugs.

During the revision carried out by SEF inspectors it was found that the two occupants carried drugs. EURO 13 thousands in cash was also seized.

Registration has been made for possession of narcotic drugs and for non-compliance with restrictions on movement within the emergency state.

Foreign citizens, as well as the car, were delivered to the Spanish authorities of the Castro Marim Police and Customs Cooperation Centre.
Source: SEF

नोट: यो समाचार सेफको अफिसियल फेसबुक पेजबाट साभार गरिएको हो। १३ हजार युरो हुनुपर्नेमा १३ मिलियन युरो भई भ्रम सिर्जना भएकोले सेफले आफ्नो स्ट्याटस ६ घण्टापछि सच्च्याएको छ। हामीले पनि त्यहि अनुरुप समाचार सच्च्याएका छौ। पाठकहरुमा पर्नगएको भ्रम र असुविधाका लागि क्षमाप्रार्थी छौ।


तपाईको प्रतिक्रिया


सम्बन्धित समाचार